About Us

About US
PTA Restaurant Week is an event where participating restaurants and PTA's from Schools from your neighborhood will donate 20% of the total bill, during the two-week period. The event will be held twice during the school year. The idea is the same as the famous NYC Restaurant Week, but focusing on the Charitable Component for the local Schools PTA’s and the local community, raising awareness and participation from the community around the School, students, and local business.
Welcome to PTA Restaurant Week (PTARW)!
Based on the success of "NYC Restaurant Week," which started in 1992 in NYC and spread throughout the USA and the World, we are creating the first PTARW, as a tool for your PTA to gather local restaurants, generate donations, and promote your local restaurants in a slower season. The PTA and the School can invite any restaurant deemed appropriate, including franchises, cafés, juice bars, etc. We recommend having 10 to 15 restaurants participating as partners of your PTA and School.
For more info, see the links below, or get in touch at: contact@ptarestaurantweek.com
Emerson Silveira
Founder & CEO
Students Helped
Donation Total
Enroll your PTA into the event, and start generating more donations and bringing more business to your partner restaurants.
Enroll your restaurant in the next event and promote your nearby school, help your local community, and make a positive and lucrative marketing campaign to your brand.
Sponsor the most innovative and socialy responsible event of the last years. Bring social responsibility nationally and locally at the same time. Your brand and products to local communities, and help education throughout the country, one school at the time!